Wine Tours
European Wine Tours
We organize bespoke wine tours, generally based in one location for the entire tour of 3 to 5 days. This is either a historic chateau, large period property or top quality boutique hotel – all without exception with very high standards of accommodation. A private minibus transports all tour participants to the different tour venues each day. All tours are accompanied by a highly trained and experienced wine guide.
There is a specific educational aspect to each tour – serious learning, but in a fun way. The tours thus appeal to what may be termed as the ‘social wine enthusiast’ - those that enjoy wine and know a little about it, such as a few grape varieties and wine regions, but would like to learn a whole lot more. Greater understanding of this fascinating subject and industry adds significantly to the fun and enjoyment of future wine drinking – and perhaps even allows for a little showing-off to friends and colleagues!?
Each tour thus becomes a very enjoyable, social experience of like-minded people sharing a love of wine, food and culture. An interesting wine themed break, where participants really learn about wine, where it comes from and how it is made, but have tremendous fun doing so.

Sussex Wine Tours
We organize tours of the vineyards and wineries of Sussex.
Sussex Vineyard Tour by Minibus. 10am to 7 pm Visit to 4 prestigious Sussex vineyards including lunch and ‘tea’ at 2 of them and tastings at all. Accompanied by wine expert. Max 15 persons. Start and finish in Arundel.